Totnes Genetix Group

How to contact us or get involved..

ToGG, PO Box 77, Totnes TQ9 5ZJ

Telephone +44 (0) 1803 840098
Fax +44 (0) 1803 864591

There are a number of unindexed pages on this site containing a variety of information about genetic engineering and GM food in particular. Before contacting us with a question, you could try using the search engine to see if the answer is immediately available. You could also check our resources pages which give you access to many other sources of information on a number of related subjects. If you still cannot find an answer to your question, we will do our best to help you, but please remember that we are a small organisation with only a few voluntary helpers, so please allow a reasonable time for us to reply.

We often receive requests for information from students doing projects on GM issues, and while we do our best to help, we suggest you use the search box and links pages to do your research first before contacting us. Also, Luke Anderson's book Genetic Engineering, Food and Our Environment is widely available from bookshops and is a valuable and easy-to-read reference on the subject.

We will always do our best to help, but we cannot always supply detailed answers to technical questions, nor can we provide legal or health advice.

Thank you for your support!


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